
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The win from lisa carrington

As I am with my parents waiting for my kayak to be loaded into the water for my kayak single 200m. They say “deep breaths” you will do great we believe in you  no matter what. As I line up I am swaying side to side my nerves are  becoming reality my heart pounding, my breathing getting stronger.. Other athletes nodding “good luck”. Counting down 5,4,3,2,......,1  wow this is really happening. I must give it my fullest.

I'm  scooping my ors with all my might but australia is coming up close I need to keep pushing on. I can not believe this ,people are cheering, yelling, smiling. I cross the finish line and look behind me, in front, side to side no one is in any of those directions wait... you know what that means I WON!!!!! I immediately plaster a smile on my face. And with raging excitement the rest of the team start jumping into the water with me. Later on that evening I and waiting to present the medals I am so proud of myself and the other teams.

With the big gold disk swaying from her throat she smiles with pride as she stands on the podium, she is proud to be kiwi. Im glued to the couch not taking my eyes off the t.v. Now i'm proud to be kiwi.

Image result for lisa carrington

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I love my art....but do you?

I am very much proud of my because of the object   art the trickiest thing was probably the shapes and fitting them in the right places some were easier than the others my element that I was focusing on was the cubism type I really enjoyed creating this piece it was a great opportunity to think outside the box.  

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Letter to mum and dad make more cottage pie

Letter to mum and dad more cottage pi

Dear mum and dad I have a point that has, well, come to my attention. And that is that you have not made cottage pie since 1.2 years so it’s about time you make it. The flakey, crisp,golden buttered pastry that sways side to side once you blow on it. And don’t get me started on the divine juicy meat that explodes when you cut into the salty and squishy peas. I love the peppery potato (is the cherry on top\] that is swirled on like the icing on top of a cake the rich dense, light, texture that dissolves in your mouth and the smell on a winter's day when I arrive home from school the smell scurries up my nose like when i’m trying to get ready in the morning waiting and waiting as the time passes 4:00- 4:30- 5:00 as my adrenaline heats up with excitement and i plaster a smile on my face it’s ready! So please can you bear 1 hour and make me some cottage pie.